Spine.Manager is essentially a state machine for controllers. Controllers are added to the manager, and the manager controls state for its associated controllers. A controller’s state is either active or deactive. Spine.Manager ensures that only one controller is active at any one time; when another controller is ‘activated’, all other controllers in the manager will be deactivated.

Managers are great for having a set of views, and ensuring that only one of those views is displayed at any one time.


You may find it easier to use Spine’s Stacks, as they abstract Managers providing a more high level API.

//= CoffeeScript
class PostsShow extends Spine.Controller
class PostsEdit extends Spine.Controller

class Posts extends Spine.Stack
    show: PostsShow
    edit: PostsEdit

posts = new Posts
posts.show # <PostsShow>

posts.show.isActive() # true
posts.edit.isActive() # false

//= JavaScript
var PostsShow = Spine.Controller.sub();
var PostsEdit = Spine.Controller.sub();

var Posts = Spine.Stack.sub({
  controllers: {
    show: PostsShow,
    edit: PostsEdit

var posts = new Posts
posts.show // <PostsShow>

posts.show.isActive(); // true
posts.edit.isActive(); // false

See the Stacks guide for more information.


To use the Manager class, we first need to include the manager.js script, which you can find in Spine’s repository. Let’s demonstrate this by creating a couple of controllers, adding them to a Manager instance, and change their state.

//= CoffeeScript
class Users extends Spine.Controller
class Groups extends Spine.Controller

users  = new Users
groups = new Groups

new Spine.Manager(users, groups)

assert( users.isActive() )
assert( !groups.isActive() )

assert( groups.isActive() )
assert( !users.isActive() )

//= JavaScript
var Users = Spine.Controller.sub();
var Groups = Spine.Controller.sub();

var users = new Users;
var groups = new Groups;

new Spine.Manager(users, groups);

assert( users.isActive() );
assert( !groups.isActive() );

assert( groups.isActive() );
assert( !users.isActive() );

So, as you can see above, Spine gives your controllers an isActive() function which returns a boolean indicating whether the controller’s state is active. In addition, we now have an active() function which we can call on controllers to activate them.

The manager ensures that only one controller in its set is activated at any one time. When the users controller is activated (by calling active()), the groups controller will be deactivated, and vice versa.

When a controller is activated, its activate() function will be called. Likewise, when it’s deactivated, its deactivate() function will be called. These are already implemented, but you can override them to add custom behavior.

By default, the controller’s activate() function adds an active class onto the controller’s element (el). The deactivate() function removes this class.

//= CoffeeScript
# ...
activate: ->

deactivate: ->

Hopefully you’re starting to see how we can apply this to showing and hiding views. Take Holla for instance. It has a settings view, and a channel view - both associated with controllers. They need to be displayed independently, and changed using the sidebar menu.

The simplest way of achieving this is by adding them both to a Manager, which will ensure that only one has an active class at any one time. Then, with CSS, we can hide views without the active class.

#views > *:not(.active) {
  display: none !important;

When the two controllers are activated by the sidebar menu, the active class switches and the relevant view is shown.

Spine Mobile

Managers are behind all the view transitions in Spine Mobile. Checkout the Spine Mobile source, especially the Stage controller, for a good example of overriding the activate() and deactivate() functions in order to display custom transitions.